Super ATV

Super ATV

SuperATV started with a passion for off-roading that’s probably a lot like yours. Our first product, a 2” Polaris Sportsman EZ Install lift kit, came as a result of our founder Harold Hunt’s love of creek riding. The success of the lift kit, based on his own design, led Harold to set up shop in his own garage, which also served as the warehouse and shipping center. The intent was to fill a small need for off-road enthusiasts which was the same need he had for better Sportsman parts. He was delighted and surprised when it turned out the need was much, much greater than he realized, and it was growing every day. As the industry exploded and demand grew, so did SuperATV. It wasn’t just about 2″ Sportsman lifts anymore, it was about improving every part possible on every machine available. As the ideas multiplied and demand from avid riders grew, our product line expanded to include a full range of aftermarket parts, from axles to long travel kits.

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